blog post

Respire Successfully Launches on Product Hunt, Earns #3 Product of the Day

July 9, 2024
8 min read

Letter from Justin Tomlinson, Founder of

We are thrilled to announce that Respire, our AI-powered social media management platform, has achieved remarkable success on Product Hunt, earning the title of #3 Product of the Day. This recognition is a significant milestone for us and reflects our commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of social media management.

Launch Day Success

On launch day, Respire garnered 619 votes (and counting), 155 comments, and saw hundreds of new users sign up for our app. We were overwhelmed by the support from users across 24 countries, highlighting the global appeal and relevance of our platform.

Recognition on Product Hunt

Product Hunt is a renowned platform where the latest tech products are discovered and shared. For Respire to be featured on the platform is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team. Our platform offers tailored AI-driven strategies, aids in content creation, and automates multi-channel scheduling, providing invaluable tools for social media managers, freelancers, and small businesses. You can check out our launch page here.

Commitment to Innovation

The positive reception we received on Product Hunt underscores the value and effectiveness of Respire's innovative features. This achievement motivates us to continue enhancing our platform and delivering powerful, affordable solutions to our users.

Future Plans

We are just getting started, and with the momentum from this successful launch, we are more committed than ever to driving further innovation in social media management. Thank you to everyone who supported us on this journey. We look forward to continuing our work and achieving even greater milestones together.

If you have any questions regarding our launch, feel free to send us a message on our contact page.

Warm regards,

Justin Tomlinson  

July 9, 2024
8 min read

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